The Human ‘Operating System’

How will we ‘operate’? What makes us ‘paintings’? Where does our expertise stem from? Where do our beliefs, cultures, phobias, superstitions, and many others? Originate? What offers us our individuality?


We can see pretty truly the significance of a ‘running system’ (O/S) to the computer. Every popular-purpose laptop ought to have an O/S. The pc will not function without one. This truth has made Bill Gates, Microsoft’s founding father, one of the richest men on Earth. The ‘running systems’ in the computer environment provide a proprietary software program platform on top of which other computer applications, called ‘utility applications,’ can run. For instance, you can run the software program’ Word, Excel or this PowerPoint presentation from the Microsoft Office Suite on one of the maximum popular ‘working systems,’ Microsoft Windows – Windows 95, 98, 2000, Windows NT, Windows ME. Windows XP, Windows 7…

All of those ‘operating structures’ live in Read-Only Memory (ROM), meaning you can not benefit from access to the O/S. It is non-unstable and is in no way erased. But what you may control is the ‘application packages’ in Microsoft Office – Word, Excel, and so on. ‘Operating structures’ perform fundamental obligations, together with recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display, preserving tune of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices along with disk drives and printers. For big laptop systems, the O/S has even greater obligations and powers. It is a site visitors cop – it makes sure those special applications and users running simultaneously do not intrude with every different. The O/S is likewise answerable for safety, ensuring that unauthorized customers no longer get the right of entry to the gadget.

I believe this ‘operating system’ in people has comprised of genes from now not simplest our parents but also ancestors achieving back to the beginning of lifestyles on Earth. Within our ‘running systems,’ I trust we have what I would call a ‘trans-technology’ unconscious memory that is made from information collected from the factor when life started whilst we had been conceived.

In addition to this, we accumulate experiences and information during our existence span on Earth that provides this information and is probably likened to a ‘utility program’ similar to Word or Excel, wherein we comparably add our personal documents to adding software and documents to a computer’s hard disk which gives each laptop its individuality. There are a few reviews and facts which alternate our personalities and regarded ingrained into us. They’re also things that depart a little effect on us, and this is probably compared to a sport run at the pc’s CD ROM for some weeks after which no means performed again. I desire this contrast to reveal how we may be man or woman even though we are born with commonplace genes. So, it’s far possible to influence your lifestyle span on Earth. However, you cannot exchange your inherited ‘operating device’‘!

We can get a fundamental concept of the complexity of our ‘working system’ by imagining a chain of circles expanding from a small internal circle to the largest outer circle, just like the move phase of an onion cut in half. The small inner circle representing while life commenced on Earth to the vital “lacking hyperlink” factor while the human race turned into created following the advent of an incredibly clever extraterrestrial lifestyles-form that bred with, or one way or the other implanted its genetic cloth and educated our Homo ancestors around 13,000 years ago up to the outdoor circle representing our dad and mom’ era. The ‘onion’ diagram could want to be quite large to show around 500 generations to have come and long past throughout the thirteen 000 years that have elapsed considering that the extraterrestrial visitor’s appearance (s).

Of direction contributions to our ‘running system’ from the Homo sapiens aspect of the circle of relatives commenced long earlier than the ‘Alien Visitor’ arrival.’ When life first began on Earth up until the arrival of our early Australopithecine/Homo ancestors, 500 million years of evolution took the vicinity. A vital point for us turned into the emergence from an unknown natural disaster that worn out the dinosaurs, a pig-like creature referred to as the lystrosaur. The lystrosaur slowly evolved into a small ape-like creature known as australopithecines that made the primary steps at the human journey some 15 million years in the past. But, for the motive of this article, I will expect that the Homo sapiens contribution to our ‘running machine’ may be much like a modern Chimpanzees’ ‘operating device.’

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How can we prove that this O/S exists? This may be definitely shown whilst examining the ‘interface’ of the O/S and the start of our life span on Earth. When we see a new child for the first time, we remark on which capabilities it has inherited from which parent or grandparent. Diplomacy may be essential right now! I actually have a picture of my extremely good-extraordinary grandfather. Even though the picture could be very antique, I can see clear resemblances to my father and brother. With the arrival of video cameras, destiny generations may see more, in reality, the ‘similarities’ in appearances and mannerisms across the generations.

When a baby is born, the simple survival features are already there, tailored and advanced from the earliest circles! A toddler just ‘knows’ how to breathe, cry, yawn, suck. If you drop the baby in a swimming pool, it will swim. It will also understand to not suck and swim at the same time! Obviously, the new baby has come into the sector with traits and a memory inheritance application that permits it to perform or live its lifestyles as a person on Earth. A cat may have the traits (O/S) of a cat, a swan, and so on. It may be essential to realize that we’ve inherited this character O/S. I hope our multi-million yr old O/S complexity demonstrates just how first-rate and valuable all of us are!

To explain similarly, allow us to observe how we get entry to our memory. It’s miles spotless in a computer to locate a file, for instance, a Word document, and open it. But, unlike the logical silicon circuits in computers, our mind or memory isn’t always accessed logically because it is made up of chemical substances that may be easily disturbed,’ for that reason creating many odd phenomena. So, within the Human O/S, is our intelligence, our IQ, a size of how easily we will get admission to records from our reminiscence?!

It’s miles essential here to focus on 3 states of reminiscence – Conscious, unconscious, and unconscious. The first two relate to our existence span on Earth, the 0.33 to our inherited ‘running system.’ My definition of aware is ‘alert and wide awake,’ the unconscious ‘forgotten stories,’ ‘nonetheless there however no longer privy to’ – (meet an antique friend, begin to don’t forget forgotten experiences) and the subconscious – ‘no longer skilled in our own existence time records.

Every second of every day, we subconsciously access our O/S, however there are times when we will inadvertently get right of entry to our O/S consciously, with some thrilling effects. Disturbances to our brain cells may be caused by bereavement, illness (fever), capsules (planned or unintentional), fasting, and sleep deprivation. There are lengthy-time period hereditary intellectual illness problems that include paranoia and schizophrenia, or troubles all through being pregnant, resulting in conditions inclusive of Autism, Dyspraxia, etc.

It is essential to recognize that our aware insights into our unconscious reminiscence (O/S) are all within the reminiscence we often talk over with as the mind! Let us have a look at several incredible outcomes. When we enjoy deja vu, our minds seem to keep in mind memories primarily based on our reports. This hints us into believing there’s a displacement of time in our present, aware lives. But I also agree that we’re seeking to decipher memories of events that we’ve got not experienced as a race. I assume we can accidentally introduce our beyond unconscious statistics; this is to say, our ancestors’ facts. This is saved in our subconscious memory (O/S) to our gift-aware memory.

As a long way as I recognize, there’s no proof of everyone touching a ghost. However, many humans have ‘visible’ ghosts. I consider the reminiscence of the ancestor in man or woman’s unconscious memory (O/S). Under certain situations, the ‘video clip’ of the ancestor or area may be accessed from the subconscious memory and appears as a ‘ghost’. The identical manner applies to most Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) sightings. Many human beings around the world have ‘witnessed’ this phenomenon—some claim. UFOs are presently mapping our planet. I suppose they had been doing those 13,000 years in the past and wherein humans accept as true with they see UFOs nowadays they’re in reality seeing an inherited memory hidden in their subconscious.Operating System

People who believe they are reincarnations of our ancestors can also bring reminiscences from a subconscious collective memory. I consider those reminiscences not resurrected from the person’s very own lifestyles on Earth but from a human history database that all of us possess in our inherited trans-generation reminiscence genes. In extreme cases, a few people can also find it tough to guide their lives on Earth due to smooth get right of entry to records stored in earlier generations’ minds.

So, while Arthur Pendragon claims he is the 20 th-century reincarnation of King Arthur he’s possibly experiencing flashes of information from this trans-era unconscious memory, which he has inherited and can not without problems control. Some humans can also agree with they are reincarnations and others do not, depending on whether or not or no longer they’ve flashbacks from the trans-era reminiscence. A laptop can also be visible to have ‘flashbacks.’ We may also do a seek to find a file and give you a totally exclusive one that changed into idea to had been erased several years in the past.

Some people can be a party to new thoughts and innovations that have yet to be released on most people. Having this information can provide the effect that we can foresee destiny. Apart from having memories, we also are contained inside the recollections of different human beings. We may additionally meet someone and be reminded of past studies and sensations. Still, other human beings will meet us in an equal manner and do not forget recollections associated with us. Even if we no longer have youngsters, our thoughts are nonetheless transferred to consequent generations of people due to the impact we make on our friends or even on pets in our personal lifetimes.

Our human tissue, our flesh, and blood are constituted of a mess of chemical substances. So our brain or reminiscence tissue is by no means a comfortable method of storing and preserving statistics. We can examine this fact as we grow older. The ‘links’ among the reminiscence cells come to be weaker, and we begin to appear again at the memory that is easiest to access, our early reminiscence of our existence-span on Earth, our youth, and those we grew up with. As we grow older, we can turn out to be very pressured as we slip lower back into statistics stored in our memory inherited from preceding generations. Much of these uttered facts do now not make experience to even the closest family member. Perhaps, in seeking to recognize inherited reminiscences, we can gain extra knowledge of senility.

The silicon chip is a far extra stable technique of storing statistics. However, in comparison to the human mind, this silicon chip era and the level of complexity is still in its infancy, and laptop ‘hackers’ can advantage access to the information stored in those silicon circuits. As referred to previously, all styles of approaches and manner had been tried to dislodge or, in a few ways, control our memory genes. However, we’re nevertheless some manner off earlier than we will ‘hack’ into the hidden memory in the human brain. I assume we will try to excavate this information through our imagination, similar to our intelligence.

We must be conscious our genetic ‘working device’ can be counterproductive. Under given conditions, we can revert returned to fears, ideals, superstitions, and so forth., contained in our subconscious reminiscence. Sometimes we enjoy irrational fears, consisting of feelings of horror when we see spiders, but we have no past enjoyment in our own lives that could explain why we’d be so terrified of this creature. This worry is not learned; it seems to already be within us and is precipitated from time to time; however, we do not recognize why.

Perhaps our phobias and superstitions were once logical to us, but we’ve got grow to be doubtful approximately why we’ve got those impulses during our evolution. The expertise to apprehend them is still within our subconscious memories however is obscured or has been altered utilizing the addition of more statistics via the generations. People sometimes go through so badly from these irrational fears that they are trying to conquer them through hypnotherapy. Maybe this works because the hypnotherapist can draw out the patient’s forgotten expertise and suit it to the trigger so that it’s miles now not irrational and therefore alarming. As some amongst us politicians, nonsecular leaders, psychologists, and advertising executives have learned how to control our unconscious memories, so watch out!

From the origin of life to the existing, we slowly advanced, amassing records and growing our senses with each surviving technology. I consider this collection of information and experience surpassed on each human as a form of ‘operating machine.’ I also consider the various geniuses and top-notch innovations we are aware of in our history; it’s far clean our know-how isn’t always evolving; however, alternatively, it is being rediscovered.

Once we understand we have this wonderful ‘operating system’ stored in our subconscious memory and accept that we are all pretty a good deal identical in terms of our inherited ‘trans-technology’ statistics, then we might begin to bridge the bold barrier among one individual’s thoughts and people of some other.

The brilliant gain of knowing we have an ‘operating device’ is that we can recognize and understand how we perform and begin thinking for ourselves. I believe acknowledging our ‘running device’ will flow us ahead to the next phase of our evolution. We can empower destiny generations with the knowledge to explore the mysteries of the universe and find out the route to well-known love.

Vickie Saunders
Vickie Saunders
Introvert. Tv enthusiast. Freelance twitter practitioner. Beeraholic. Analyst. Bacon trailblazer. Troublemaker. Skateboarder, traveler, band member, Bauhaus fan and independent Art Director. Performing at the fulcrum of minimalism and function to craft an inspiring, compelling and authentic brand narrative. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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