
The Laws of Life

The Mystery of Life's Purpose At some point in each individual's life on Earth, they undoubtedly and eventually...

Think Not That I Am Come To Destroy The Law, or The Prophets, I Am Not Come To Destroy But To Fulfil

Above are Yahshua Messiah's words (the Lord Jesus Christ) from Matthew 5:17 in the King James Version...

Decalogue & Covenant – Does God Want People Today to Obey the Law of Moses?

The short answer is no: God intends for everyone in the world to submit to Christ under...

The Rule of Law

One of the most fundamental requirements of civil society is the rule of law which means that...

The Universal Law of Attraction – How Many Universal Laws Are There Anyway?

The 7 Universal Laws, the Law of Attraction, the 12 Universal Laws of Success, the 6 Spiritual...

Let’s Say Goodbye To Vanity Laws

Once upon a time, rulers such as kings and emperors created laws that all subjects living within...

14 Spiritual Laws to Know and Use

If you think the Law of Attraction is all you need to know about the spiritual law,...

International Law And The Right To A Healthy Environment As A Jus Cogens Human Right

The traditional international law does not consider human environmental rights to a clean and healthy environment to...

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