Another day in Trumplandia: A fake-news blogger is tapped for the federal bench

It’s tempting to recognition 24/7 on the expanding Kremlingate probe — Mike Pence and Jared Kushner have now lawyered up, and Trump is tweeting his self-pity as his poll support wanes — however, we want to pay heed to the harm he’s doing underneath the radar. Just 5 months into his tinpot reign, a whopping 65 percent of Americans agree with he has very little admiration for America’s democratic establishments. And that percentage would arguably be higher if extra human beings knew about the kind of judges he envisions for the federal bench — like, for example, the two bomb-throwing bloggers who seemed Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee.


Yup, bloggers. In their day jobs, John Bush and Damien Schiff are legal professionals; their off-hours have indulged their incendiary youngsters and informed humans what they honestly think. Sort of like Trump’s tweets. For example, Schiff, who works for a conservative felony basis and has been tapped for a seat on the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, once wrote in a put up that Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is “a judicial prostitute,” someone who is constantly “selling his vote … To four different Justices in exchange for the high that comes from aggrandizement of electricity and impact.” Another time, he posted his disdain for a California school district’s anti-bullying program, which “seems to teach that bullying of homosexuals is incorrect.”

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Stuff like that. Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse said Wednesday, all through the confirmation hearing, “If President Obama had sent in a nominee who had called Justice Kennedy a ‘judicial prostitute,’ the alternative side of this dais could have its hair. On a hearth.” Schiff’s protection: “The point of that blog submit became now not to impugn or malign any person, but rather to assault a positive fashion of judging.” Oh.


Schiff and Bush both insisted that whatever they have blogged in the beyond could in no manner influence their thinking at the federal bench — a charming argument as it basically suggests that the wearing of black robes could magically cleanse their minds of all their gut beliefs. It additionally means that confirmation hearings are a waste of time, that senators have to ignore a nominee’s tune document while figuring out whether that individual is certified for the bench.

But Al Franken — one of the Senate’s maximum skilled questioners — isn’t buying that BS; in his words Wednesday, “One of the features I look for in a decision is judgment.” And given the truth that John Bush, a Kentucky legal professional tapped for a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals, had the time and again written blogs that drew material from fake news websites … Properly, Franken did not suppose that turned into superb judgment. Yes, oldsters, Trump has nominated, for the appeals bench, a man who wrote masses of weblog posts underneath a fake call (“G. Morris”), often using statistics from fake information websites. Let’s move immediately to the transcript.

Franken: “You used the G. Morris alias whilst you wrote a chain of posts approximately President Obama that seemed to awareness at the president’s Kenyan historical past. One of these posts charges freely from a piece of writing on World Net Daily, an internet site recognized for peddling conspiracy theories, fake information, and white nationalism. World Net Daily has also become widely recognized for trafficking in birtherism — the extensively debunked and racist belief that President Obama becomes now not born within the United States. The article you quote from suggests that a reporter in Kenya changed into detail using the government [of Kenya] because he was investigating, quote, ‘Barack Obama’s connections in the USA.’ What point were you seeking to make on this publish?”

Bush: “Well, first of all, earlier than getting into the unique put up, I actually have to tell the committee, there are some matters I’ve written on the posts, or the weblog, that I desire I may want to phrase otherwise or said differently at this point. That precise submit I don’t forget all of the information of it. However, I turned into sincerely no longer intending to propose any views of any other group as far as birtherism goes.” Franken: “Well, in several different posts, you cite assets like World Net Daily. How did you make a decision on which resources to rely upon to your writings, and how did making a decision which resources were credible?”

Bush: “As a blogger, I was finding matters that had been within the information that had been of being aware. I notion — I didn’t intend to, through the post, mention that President Obama changed into no longer born in this united states. I by no means — ” Franken: “How did making a decision — could you answer my questions? How did you make a decision on which assets had been credible? And do you trust that World Net Daily is a reputable source?”

Bush: “As I stated, after I became doing the blog, I made some posts that I nowadays could not do. And I don’t especially take into account that one. What went into the selection to apply that precise story, however, I am no longer endorsing any of the birther viewpoints of that specific person.”

  • Franken: “OK, allow me to ask you again. How did you decide which resources were credible, and the way did you decide that World Net Daily is a credible source?”
  • Bush: “I don’t recognize whether or not I determined that or not. I cannot consider.”
  • Franken: “So you have been free — you felt free to position posts out that referred to resources which you knew have been not credible?”
  • Bush: “No, senator, I’m now not pronouncing that.”
  • Franken: “What are you saying?”
  • Bush: “I’m announcing that as a blogger, I was making political statements — “

Franken: ” — Using sources that engaged in fake news, hate speech. And once more, what I became saying turned into, is that I think we ought to, while we’re confirming judges, have a look at the judgment. And in my thoughts, using my judgment to verify a person who felt free to blog, and can not answer how he decides whether to cite a source or not, whether or not it’s credible or now not, that isn’t very pleasant to me. Thank you.”

There you have got it, the Trump mentality in exercise: An appeals court nominee says he looked for “matters that have been inside the information that has been of the word” — fodder for his “political statements” — however, he can’t provide an explanation for whether or not or to what extent he judged the “news” assets to be fake or real. Thanks to Franken’s questions, it’d seem that Bush gave us a glimpse of his real self. But hi there, this is no motive for the issue because he promised, “I will no longer carry politics to the bench.”

That fig leaf will be enough to delight the Republicans and ensure his confirmation — even though one of their senators, John Kennedy of Louisiana, did tell Bush: “I even have studied your blogs. I’m no longer inspired.” In this dark age, any commonsensical insight counts as a prime victory.

Vickie Saunders
Vickie Saunders
Introvert. Tv enthusiast. Freelance twitter practitioner. Beeraholic. Analyst. Bacon trailblazer. Troublemaker. Skateboarder, traveler, band member, Bauhaus fan and independent Art Director. Performing at the fulcrum of minimalism and function to craft an inspiring, compelling and authentic brand narrative. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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