Real Beauty – Bliss!

Beauty is the truth’s smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror. Beauty is in the ideal of perfect harmony, which is in the universal being; truth the perfect comprehension of the universal mind.


Rabindranath Tagore

The entire concept of real beauty can be hard to define, despite being a well-known term. Everyone has their own opinions about what constitutes real beauty. One way to think about it is to consider what makes you smile in such a radiant way that it attracts people to want to be in your presence. Ideal beauty is admired or possesses features widely attributed to beauty in a particular culture for perfection.

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  • Just like Audrey Hepburn’s iconic quote:
  • For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
  • For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
  • For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
  • For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
  • For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.

There would be hardly any person who would not like to look beautiful. Over time, beauty slowly fades away due to age and what’s left are signs of aging. To combat these signs, people use numerous methods like anti-aging creams, Botox, among others. They seek to keep their beauty (which they believe is physical) intact for as long as possible. This is how they fool themselves into believing that they are a thing of beauty. They earn to be dazzling and remain the center of attraction.

Fair complexion, sharp features are not the only criteria for being beauteous. These are external factors. External beauty is like a water bubble, which exists only for some time. Apart from the face hidden behind those layers of makeup, there is a heart; sublime, full of love, and connected to your mind.That is real contentment. It would help if you made yourself comely to experience real beauty.

Helen Keller said, “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart.” Every single character existing on the earth is born beautiful. Moral qualities, ethical standards, principles are added advantage to real beauty. Intellect and intelligence with beauty is a rare quality. And when someone has internal and external beauty, it is the icing on the cake.’ Beauty and youth are often regarded as synonymous with each other. Balance of body and soul is much important than using a wrinkle-removing cream.

Let me run ideas through my mind and see where it takes me. Let’s consider good-looking people, places, objects, amazing scenario’s at a gallery, perceptional different angled photograph, or let’s drill down to a more materialistic living like the breathtaking architecture of my bungalow, with a balcony over-looking a serene swimming pool. I have mouth-watering food sitting on a table beside me, sending out the most heavenly aroma that is tantalizing to the mind and tickling my taste buds.

I could go on with more description, but it would be painfully mundane to read, which is why I’ll leave it as “blah blah blah.” Having seen life under best circumstances with best resources (mom//dad/bro/friends/teacher/ money… & whatnot) with best living conditions & then having fallen away & apart with these things temporarily, to get it back in a new format & living terms, I realize that Beauty is a very relative terminology, quite misunderstood & I dare say, quite misapplied too.

So then, what’s a real beauty for me?

I think & believe that the real beauty is to realize that I can realize, think, analyze, decimate, disintegrate, learn – unlearn, believe & still redefine my belief system or call it to fine-tune. The real beauty, therefore, is that I am a human, which is the gift of nature, and I can realize that there is GOD in many forms & functions; many of his manifestations are even called bad & I am mutely looking at it to understand what nature is telling me. And the real beauty based on the above idea for me is knowledge; the assimilation of different pieces of information is invaluable when put logically.
Knowledge alone is a real beauty.

Having said this, I want to say that if I place a book of esoteric knowledge of yore & some fine prints of wisdom on a donkey’s head, he does not become known. What will make him knowledgeable is the right application of that knowledge in the right place, in the right measure, at the right time, and how does one get it apart from nature’s Grace? One gets it through the guru – the proverbial teacher.

Hence the Guru or the teacher is the real beauty

The teacher gave me an understanding and perception of what is what & how to see it. If not for the right teacher, I could still think that 2 + 2 = 5 and still live like a donkey without realizing the 2 = 2 of life. And who gave me the teacher? That’s a blind answer – my DAD. He put me through education, both formal & informal & while giving me this; he gave me as a bonus a bunch of friends from school to college, which I would filter over a period of time through experience & maturity.

Hence father is the real beauty.

And who gave me my father? My mom pointed him out because she is the only human who actually knows the truth of whose seed made me. We all know the mom’s journey of parenting. Let me not make it emotionally touchy & elaborate on it; we all know what our moms are. Period.

beauty tools

Hence my mother is a real beauty.

Now tell me how do I get a good mom, I can’t make a choice, actually no one took my permission to give me this birth – absolutely choiceless. The real beauty is that I realize that there is someone up there taking care of my soul. Mata, pita, guru, good Mitra (Friend) & god are the real beauty – put them all & mix it – it’s god’s grace.

I realize that I am a unique creation of this nature, none like me & second to none, no one has ever been created like me in eons that have passed by in this universe & there never will be one like me in the future of this universe. I am me; I am a blessing of my parents, I am the good wishes of my good wisher’s, I am the hope of all those new tomorrow’s that will unfold through me, I am the child of gratitude, the mother of all virtue’s – I am Rewa, and the real beauty is I can realize it.

Vickie Saunders
Vickie Saunders
Introvert. Tv enthusiast. Freelance twitter practitioner. Beeraholic. Analyst. Bacon trailblazer. Troublemaker. Skateboarder, traveler, band member, Bauhaus fan and independent Art Director. Performing at the fulcrum of minimalism and function to craft an inspiring, compelling and authentic brand narrative. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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